Andy Fastow Was Jewish and Therefore, Innocent?

While trying to find out the machinations that went into former Enron CFO Andy Fastow’s scandalously short prison sentence, I found an archival copy of a story in the New York Timeswhich quotes Judge Hoyt, who sentenced Fastow, saying that though Fastow had “drunk the wine of greed,” he had also been the “subject of great persecution,” including anti-Semitic slurs and personal threats.

Not to be unduly insensitive to racial slurs, but so what? What impact does widespread revulsion have on his requirement to serve time for his bad acts? Also, I’d like to know the evidence behind that particular proclamation.

But what’s more, the judge gave Fastow credit for caring for his two young sons while their mother, Lea Fastow, served a year in jail due to Mr. Fastow’s criminal activities. From the NYT article, “Judge Hoyt acknowledged Mr. Fastow’s devotion to his family and community service and his efforts to redress his crimes at Enron. “The best evidence of remorse is what you do going forward,” Judge Hoyt said.”

This reminds me of Jeff Skilling departing Enron because he wanted to spend more time with his family. His children, too, lost their father. His wife remains at home without her husband. Yet there was no consideration at all for them when a different judge (Judge Sim Lake) sentenced Skilling to over 24 years in federal prison.

Jeff isn’t Jewish, so he didn’t have anti-Semitic slurs to bolster his arguments for a lighter sentence, but he certainly was reviled by the community.    In his sentencing hearing, his former assistant tells of being in a restaurant when somebody confronted Skilling, claiming to have lost millions.  Other stories of rudeness, threats, and outright hostility pervaded Skilling’s years between the collapse of Enron and his final sentencing.   Yet none of that counted for much in the mind of the sentencing judge.

What is it about being Jeff Skilling that is so inexcusable?   And in contrast,  how is it that Andy Fastow can be so admittedly guilty while also being treated with kid gloves?  I’m sure that it has to do with his willingness to sell his soul, but I thought prosecutors and judges were above politics.  I thought they were pure, seeking only the truth – the unvarnished truth.   They made themselves into the Andy Fastow Fan Club and for that, they deserve shame.  Not Jeff Skilling, or any of the other executives who pleaded guilty to avoid Skilling’s fate.   But the prosecutors and judges who looked at these two men – Fastow and Skilling – and saw more sanctity in Fastow.  

During Jeff Skilling’s appeal in New York, the Task Force prosecutor Doug Wilson actually said that Fastow got a shorter sentence because of “his character.”   Let that sink in a moment.  Realize exactly what the US government identifies as character.   And realize what, in Skilling, they scorn.

5 thoughts on “Andy Fastow Was Jewish and Therefore, Innocent?

  1. Good commentary.

    Indeed, the Enron debacle was hyped in the MSM in no small part because most of the major players didn’t have the usual Wall Steet DNA.

    It should also be noted that Fastow was depicted sympathetically in the docu-film “The Smartest Guys in the Room” (produced by billionaire Mark Cuban) probably for similar reasons. There is a deplorable double-standard at work here. It permeates our country. It must be st0pped.

  2. This is complete blasphemy and anti-semetism. The sole reason he received a shortened sentence was for rolling over on his superiors. There are just as many people arguing that Bermie Madoff received his abnormally high sentence as compared to Skilling (both equally unethical scumbags that defrauded thousands of investors of billions of dollars) because he was Jewish as was his entire enterouge. Greed is part of the human makeup and transcends race and religion.

  3. Clearly you’ve mis-read my post. I’m far from anti-semetic. I’ve defended Andy Fastow and Michael Kopper against those who use those filthy stereotypes against them.

    I don’t understand the blasphemy allegation. Is Andy Fastow somehow sacred now? Was he sainted when I wasn’t looking?

    And lastly, Jeff Skilling defrauded NOBODY. Not one person.


  4. I am black, and I think there is a sene of racism toward wearily white men like mr skilling. In addition to his innocent, his race made easily for poor people to believe that he is a just ” another rich white guy” who care if he go to jall. It is wrong and it does happen to all people event wearily white men. It is so f-ing for anyone to think that race does not matter. In 2001-2010, rich white guy became the new unnamed black male. In jay-z is accused of defraud his company, he will not go to jail.
    I believe that mr skilling is just like dr king: a great man jailed for not bended to the government’s power. Of cause,dr king broke unjust laws, so it’s not a perfect compassion

  5. @ Cara Ellison:
    Thanks for your article and your post clarifying your position.
    Also, your suggestion about reading for comprehension. Far too many folks on the internet seem to lack that ability, or cast it aside when posting ” Facts”.
    I’d be a millionaire if I had a dime for each time I have seen posters provide “facts” about George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

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